America there is a silent, stealth jihad taking place across our great Country, to destroy us from within, and force Islam and Sharia law upon us.  “When good men and women are silent, evil always wins” folks. Personally I was unaware until recently, what is really taking place in our schools and government.  Most families don’t have the time to do any research at all, they are simply just too busy raising their families and making ends meet.  I was one of those persons. I have done the research for you.  Something must be done to defeat the radical Islamists from gaining further inroads into our cities, towns, schools and government, before it’s too late.

America where is the outcry and condemnation. Both Jews and Christians Priests and infidels are being murdered by the radical Muslims, Churches are being burned across Europe and in Lebanon.. They do not want to integrate into the culture of the Country they seek refuge there and are an immediate drain on the financial stability and they want to force Islam and Sharia Law through global jihad.

They want no education for women; (Google “Malala” an inspiration for all women) and  want to keep so called “honor killings” and Sharia Law. The Qur’an says to kill all non believers, ie, infidels.  Islam is not a religion but a political movement, I have read the Qur’an and take their word that they want to kill us.  Forget about being politically correct, or multicultural, condemn the violence and the radical Muslim Brotherhood every chance you get folks. Stand up and be counted if you believe in America.

Study the doctrine, Google “TheProjectMuslimBrotherhood” speaks volumes of their intent to destroy our America from within by stealth jihad. Look around see what is taking place in Germany, France, Netherlands, Australia, even Canada and Russia. I have no issue at all with the Muslim that wants to live peacefully in our Country and integrate into our culture.  However, when they want to force Islam and Sharia law and so called “honor killings” and establish Islam as the global religion, then I take issue with that and as for myself, will do everything I can to not let that happen in America.

Folks just take a look at Dearborn, Michigan, Tennessee, Denver, Colorado and even California where tens of thousands of immigrants mostly Muslim, even from Somalia, your government has let them in. They are trying to change our way of life, and change the schools and universities by taking out some of our history, and putting Islam in a more favorable light to them.  Huge grants to Mosques and universities pour in from the well financed Saudi Arabia culture; just follow the money to see how these Mosques are financed. There are already home grown terrorists within some of their Mosques. In fact under the name of “Muslims of America” over 30 terrorist training camps are spread across America, also called Jama AZt Ul-Fuqara.  They should all be shut down immediately.

Our current administration has approved over 500,000 Muslims to relocate to America, I don’t recall any one voting on this? Did you? Many countries are finally started to limit the immigration, why not us?

Forget about being politically correct, or being labeled a racist or Islam phobic, now is the time to stand up and voice your opinion. Enough is enough. “When good men and women do nothing, evil always wins” Don’t let it happen in your town or city or school. Join ACT actforamerica. org today. A non violent organization dedicated to defeat radical Islam and Sharia law in America, and not to change our school textbooks to put Islam in a more favorable light. Again just Google “TheProjectMuslimBrotherhood” and form your own opinion folks. For some of you it will be a real “eye opener”. Join ACT now. What kind of America do you want your children and grandchildren to grow up in ?